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The Holy Covenant of Sibla


Jehovah of Shiloh as Shiloh of Jehovah Is Left In His Realms of Zion of Which Are Subversive To Sibla, and Jehovah of Shiloh as Shiloh of Jehovah Will Remain in Zion and That Was, Is and Will be His Pasture Grounds... He Will Remain in Zion and Zion Will Be His Inheritance From Jon Alexander Morris; The Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David; The Son of Man of The Head of Day's; The Rose of Sharon... He Will No Longer Afflict, Nor Tear Down Other Pastures With Success and He Will Remain in Zion and Those of Whom He Chooses to Ascend Unto Zion Will Enter Into the Priesthood's of Which Were Given to Jehovah of Shiloh as Shiloh of Jehovah and He Will No Longer Oppress His People, He Will Not Have Heart of Tyranny Nor Have Desire to Leave His Inheritance and Pasturage Desolated; For Why Would One Tear Down The House in Which He Lives... Zion Is Now Sub-versive To Sibla, and Sibla Is Submissive to Gil'non and Gil'non is Submissive to Gad'roth

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